Hometown: Potomac, MD
Lives in: Provo, UT.
Age: 31
Occupation: Director of Marketing, Logoworks
Height: 6'3"  Weight: 180
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Mission: Finland
Degrees held: BS in Finance, BYU; MBA, Harvard
Special Skills: Basketball and negotiation
Favorite Restaurant: Los Hermanos
We're not totally sure, but whoever it is, it's taking him a little longer than usual for a guy with these credentials. Lance is a really nice guy, so someone nice would probably be good. And he's one of eight kids, and we think he wants a lot of kids, so you'd have to be down with the 'big family' thing. Why don't you submit yourself, submit a friend, or tell a friend to help us help him?
Click Here to meet the people that truly care about Lance's future.
If you are already spoken for, but feel bad about the missed opportunity, why not share it with someone who can DateLance. clicking here.


LogoWorks is unlike any other logo design company in the world. Logoworks' business was created from scratch to provide small businesses with a logo design solution that would be easy to use and offer tremendous value. In short, Logoworks wants to make small businesses look great.
Logo Design